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Scientific Program

Friday, September 22, 2023 – starting at 13:00 CEST
(Paris – 13:00, Hong Kong – 19:00, San Diego – 04:00, New York – 07:00, Buenos Aires – 08:00)

Milton Leong, Hong Kong and Zeev Shoham, Israel
13:00-14:00 Session 1: Giants in Reproductive Medicine
13:00-13:10 Zev Rosenwaks, USA presented by Mark Hornstein, USA
13:10-14:00 Frederick Naftolin, USA presented by Neri Laufer, Israel
The Ovarian Renin-Angiotensin System (OVRAS) – an important but under appreciated driver of ovarian function Frederick Naftolin, USA
14:00-14:40 Session 2: Endometriosis and infertility
14:00-14:40 Should the risk of endometriosis-associated ovarian cancer modify the management of an intact endometrioma during the reproductive age? Johnny Younis, Israel
14:40- 15:55 Session 3: The role of the ERA test in implantation failure
14:40-15:25 The role of the ERA test in implantation failure For: Nasser Al Asmar Piñar, Spain
Against: Pei-Yang Hsu, Taiwan
15:25-15:55 What can we do to improve endometrial thickness? Ertug Kovanci, USA
15:55-17:05 Session 4: New standard of care: Effectiveness and Safety of oral treatment for luteal phase support in ART (An Abbott Pharmaceutical industrial session)
15:55-17:05 The Abbott Pharmaceutical Industrial Sessions will have simultaneous translations to the following languages:
Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian
Latest data to REASSURE on efficacy and safety of LPS treatments in ART
Georg Griesinger
, Germany
Alexander Katalinic, Germany
17:05-19:10 Session 5: Let us maximize ART success
17:05-17:40 The Fischer Concept/Protocol-an effect on Embryo quality
Robert Fischer,
17:40-18:00 Triggering Ovulation with Progesterone: The Promise and Limitations of a Natural Trigger in Assisted Reproductive Technology (ART) Dmitri Dozortsev, USA
18:00-18:30 Maximizing IVF Success: Unleashing the potential of immaturely retrieved oocytes Ibrahim Elkhatib, UAE
18:30-19:10 Exploring the Benefits of Double Stimulation and Examining the Hype and Hope in Dual Triggering Christophe Blockeel, Belgium
19:10-20:00 Session 6: Fostering IVF Breakthroughs
19:10-19:40 Towards a non-invasive assessment of the pre-implantation human embryo Carmen Rubio, Spain
19:40-20:00 Advanced Decision Support Tool for IVF Urmila Diwekar, USA
20:00-20:35 Session 7: Let us learn something about chat GPT
20:00-20:35 Chat GPT: basic understanding and some guidelines to work with: A powerful tool to improve our education and research performances. Nitzan Barzilay, Israel
Closing remarks
Milton Leong, Hong Kong and Zeev Shoham, Israel

Saturday, September 23, 2023 – starting at 10:00 CEST
(Paris – 10:00, Hong Kong – 16:00, San Diego – 01:00, New York – 04:00, Buenos Aires – 05:00)

10:00-10:25 Session 8: Translating theory in practice: Real-world experience from a center in Turkey (An Abbott Pharmaceutical industrial session)
10:00-10:25 The Abbott Pharmaceutical Industrial Sessions will have simultaneous translations to the following languages:
Mandarin, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish and Ukrainian
Translating theory in practice: Real-world experience from a center in Turkey Emre Pabuccu, Turkey
10:25-11:55 Session 9:  Cell and Gene Therapy
10:25-11:05 Prophesies for profit: Stem cells and regeneration
Gerald Schatten
11:05-11:25 The use of Stem cells in Reproductive Medicine Nayana Patel, India
11:25-11:55 Rejuvenation, and new aspect of stem cells Sonia Herraiz, Spain
11:55-12:50 Session 10: What are the new innovations in the field of Andrology 
11:55-12:50 Can degeneration be prevented in ICSI? Sherman Silber, USA
Does varicocoelectomy or gonadotropin improve male factor infertility? Sherman Silber, USA
12:50-14:10 Session 11: The role of the ultrasound in monitoring treatment 
12:50-13:15 Ultrasound as a supportive tool in reproductive medicine Martin Mienkina, Austria GE HealthCare
13:15-13:35 The differences between different methods of measuring follicles: Decision-making process Piotr Wygocki, Poland
13:35-14:10 Optimizing the ultrasound image, knowing how the tip of the needle looks at any rotating position makes safer and more effective the OPU Costas Panayotidis, Greece
14:10-15:40 Session 12: New aspects in genetics of reproductive medicine
14:10-14:40 A new paradigm for prenatal genetics screening and diagnosis Yuval Yaron, Israel
14:40-15:15 Unlocking fertility and ovarian function via human genomics Stasa Stankovic, UK
15:15-15:40 PreConceptional health and carrier screening Tina Buchholz, Germany
15:40-16:45 Session 13: Ovarian stimulation and Fertility preservation
15:40-16:15 Double stimulation Alberto Vaiarelli, Italy
16:15-16:45 Fertility preservation Elisa Gil Arribas, Spain
16:45-17:20 Session 14: From MedFemTech and JIVFww
16:45-17:05 Amplexd Therapeutics Alia Rahman, Canada
16:05-17:20 Age-related Changes in AMH in Women Seeking Fertility – A Hospital-based Study Across India
Nihar Ranjan Bhoi, 
Closing remarks
Milton Leong, Hong Kong and Zeev Shoham, Israel